How Do We Tell The Children We Are Getting Divorced?

May 9, 2011

If only there were a fool-proof formula that divorcing couples could follow and feel reassured that they are saying the right thing, the right way, and at the right time when it comes to telling the children. Unfortunately, there is not, but there are some guidelines to follow that will surely help. These include:

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Do (Women’s) Advanced Degrees Increase The Divorce Rate?

May 5, 2011

Recently, an article in the Boston Globe indicated that the number of women earning Master’s and Doctoral degrees has outpaced men. What might the effects of this be? Does this mean that we should expect to see a change in the divorce rate based on the fact that higher numbers of women are receiving higher […]

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How to Select the Right Divorce Professional in Three Easy Steps

April 12, 2011

What’s the best way to end your marriage? Well, you could send a subscription of Divorce Magazine to your spouse, scatter the business cards of several divorce attorneys like rose petals across your bed, or paint a yellow line down the middle of every room in your house and label each side “Yours” or “Mine”. A better way […]

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Should You Take A Failed Marriage Personally?

April 11, 2011

Not necessarily so says Laura Munson of the Huffington Post Divorce Blog. In a thought provoking  post, she talks about the importance of looking beyond the words that your oh-so-unhappy-soon-to-be- ex might be saying about you, and quieting down your own internal negative chatter and not jumping to the conclusion that it really is all […]

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Country Star Billy Ray Cyrus Knows Something About Divorce

April 1, 2011

During a recent appearance on the television show, The View, Billy Ray Cyrus spoke about his highly publicized marital problems. After filing for a divorce, he and his wife recently decided to try to work things out. Cyrus said that a communications breakdown was what had led to the bumpy road his marriage had taken […]

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Want A Better Way To Divorce? Work With A Co-Mediation Team!

March 18, 2011

While you were in grade school, if you wanted to play kickball and your friend wanted to play jump rope, you might have resolved this issue by tossing a coin, drawing straws, taking turns playing both, or deciding you’d both play something else. Most of us have never really learned any more advanced techniques for […]

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What Is A Good Divorce?

March 6, 2011

Typically, a good divorce is defined as one that has produced a good divorce agreement (technically a ‘separation agreement’). That is, one that seems fair and acceptable to each soon to be ex-spouse. It contains a plan to divide the couple’s belongings and other assets and also distributes their debt. Some agreements include alimony to […]

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Why The Big Rush To Divorce?

February 28, 2011

Generally, people come into my office when they are feeling angry, sad, distant from, or just plain fed up with their spouse and their marriage. Sometimes people want to learn about divorce and think about whether or not it is the best solution to the problems they have been experiencing. Other times they feel certain, […]

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I Wanted This Divorce So Why Do I Feel So Bad?

February 27, 2011

Recently, a client spoke about how exhausted she had been feeling. This took her by surprise as, after years and years of unhappiness and finally feeling able to move ahead with a divorce, she didn’t expect to feel so irritable, de-energized, and just plain tired out. “Why should I feel so lousy if I’ve finally gotten up the nerve […]

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Why Are Women More Likely To Say the ‘D’ Word First?

February 25, 2011

Yes, it’s true…more and more divorces are initiated by women. In fact, these days middle-aged women are twice as likely to ask for a divorce as their male counterparts. Why is this so? What is going on? Well, there are a lot of theories out there about what is contributing to the increased rate in […]

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