Meet the Mediators: Betsy Ross, LICSW, CGP

by Betsy Ross LICSW CGP on October 9, 2010

Mediator and Licensed Psychotherapist

Betsy Ross is a Principal Mediator at Divorce Mediation Strategies. Ms. Ross is also a licensed psychotherapist and is a member of the Massachusetts Council of Family Mediators.

Ms. Ross has been interviewed on radio and television, and has lectured and brought seminars and workshops to numerous organizations and universities, including:
– Boston College’s Graduate School of Social Work
– MIT’s Family Resource Center
– Harvard Medical Center
– Boston Center for Adult Education
Ms. Ross has authored articles on collaborative coaching, including, “The Art of Holding Effective Collaborative Meetings” which was published in the Fall 2007 issue of the Collaborative Law Journal of the Massachusetts Collaborative Law Council and is a frequent guest blogger at the Divorce Collaborative. She also works as a Collaborative Divorce Coach, and is a Licensed Psychotherapist working in the South Shore area of Massachusetts.
Along with co-Mediator Catherine Kligler, this powerful mediation team of a mental health professional and a family law attorney offer skillful, knowledgeable, and thorough mediation services that provide lasting results.

You can contact Betsy Ross by email: [email protected] or by telephone: 781.784.0905

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